
Welcome to the Sumner Research Laboratory and University of Missouri Metabolomics Center.  Dr. Lloyd W. Sumner is a Professor of Biochemistry and Director, MU Metabolomics Center. He has approximately 30 years of expertise in small molecule/metabolite analyses and cutting-edge technology development for metabolomics, the large-scale study of metabolites. Metabolites are substances produced by all living things and serve as energy and building blocks for life. Through the large-scale study of  metabolomes, we gain crucial information on the complex biology of health and disease in plants, animals and humans. Click on the research and publications link to learn more about the wide variety of research projects underway or completed.


Lloyd W. Sumner, Ph.D.
Professor of Biochemistry
Director, MU Metabolomics Center
240d Christopher S. Bond Life Sciences Center
1201 Rollins Street
Columbia, MO 65211
Office: +1-573-882-5486
Center: +1-573-882-5596